Willow Grove Park - Walter Damrosch: What Does the Public Really Want?
Walter Damrosch: What Does the Public Really Want?  
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What Does the Public Really Want?

By Dr. Walter Damrosch
Musical Counsel of the National Broadcasting Company.

"My five years' experience in planning radio programs has shown me that the public seems to like what I give it – and I give it only the best!

I have four different courses of programs, alternating every two weeks, calculated to reach the needs of the various ages of school life, from the primary to high school.
  • Series A - grades 3 and 4 - types of music, names of composers, orchestral instruments.
  • Series B - grades 5 and 6 - emotions in music and musical elements
  • Series C - grades 7 – 9 - kinds of musical forms
  • Series D - high school and college – single composer programs.
How can you say so positively that the American public would rather listen to the Beethoven "Seventh Symphony" than to Dancing on the Ceiling!"
The great broadcasting stations have entire departments given over to reading and filing of "fan mail' and thousands of letters pour in every day. My own "fan mail" comes to about forty thousand letters a year. These letters, then, are my authority; and they prove that the classics are popular.
Another pleasant thing to note is that the sale of music is steadily spreading into wider territory. Ten years ago the published classics were sold only to professional musicians, music students and a small percentage of musically cultivated amateurs."

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Accidentals Unlimited